Introduction of a TCR transgene does not rescue the
tFADD−/− phenotype. (a) Thymic
cellularity of 2C T cell receptor transgenic mice (2C) between
tFADD−/− and their littermate
controls. The scatter plots depict the total thymus cellularity. Column
1 represents the 2C/tFADD−/− mice, and
column 2 represents the age-matched littermate control (the genotypes
of these mice are either
2C/FADD+/−/lck-Cre, or
Each symbol represents the corresponding littermate. (b)
A representative flow cytometric analysis from the thymus of a 2C TCR
tFADD−/− transgenic mouse is displayed along
with its appropriate 2C transgenic FADD+ littermate
control. Thymocytes were stained by using antibodies to the CD8 and
CD4. The percentage for each quadrant is displayed. Each plot
represents at least 20,000 events.