Distribution of prokaryotic abundance (PA, cells ml−1) (A), bulk prokaryotic leucine incorporation rates (LIR, pmol Leu l−1 h−1) (B), and cell-specific prokaryotic heterotrophic production (CsPHP, fmol C cell−1 day [d]−1) (C) in the epipelagic (Epi, 0- to 200-m) and mesopelagic (Meso, 200- to 1,000-m) layers of the three oceanic regions: Ef, eddy field region south of the Canary Islands; Uw, influenced by coastal waters of the NW African upwelling; and Oc, open-ocean waters of the NE Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. Letters denote significant differences between regions for the epipelagic and mesopelagic waters (one-way ANOVA mean comparison [alpha = 0.05]).