Up-regulation of PDE7A1, PDE7A3, and PDE8A1 mRNA in CD4+ T
cells. CD4+ T cells were stimulated with CD3 and CD28
antibodies and harvested at the indicated time points (hours). RT-PCR
analysis was performed as described in Materials and
Methods. (A) Comparison of methods of
preparation of CD4+ T cells. Cells were prepared as
described in Materials and Methods by using either the
CD4+ T cell isolation kit in combination with the CD69
microbeads (a) or a mixture of mAbs and goat anti-mouse magnetic beads
(b). (B) Time course of the induction of PDE7A1, PDE7A3,
and PDE8A1 mRNA compared with a GAPDH control. The bands were scanned
and quantified by using nih image. Within each image, the
maximum intensity of the band was set to a value of 1 and other bands
were calculated as a fraction of the maximum. The values were
normalized to the GAPDH signal. The results of the densitometry are
graphed. (C) Time course of induction of PDE7A1, PDE7A3,
and PDE8A1 by using serially diluted cDNA as described in
Materials and Methods. (D) RT-PCR was
performed for PDE8A1 from cells harvested at 1 and 16 h after
stimulation by using either CD3, CD28, or a combination of the
antibodies (Left). Cells were harvested 16 h after
stimulation and analyzed by Western blotting by using a PDE8A1
polyclonal antibody (PIL9) (Right).