Strict dox control of the evolved HIV-rtTA 2Δ
tetO. (A) Absence of replication without
dox. After infection of SupT1 cells with HIV-rtTA 2Δ
tetO (5 ng CA-p24), the culture was split in two and
maintained in the absence or presence of 1 μg/ml dox. Virus
replication was monitored throughout the experiment by measuring CA-p24
production. (B) Repeated virus activation. After
infection of SupT1 cells, dox was added and removed repeatedly (+dox:
days 0, 8, and 17; −dox: day 5 and 13) from the culture medium. The
experiment was stopped at day 18 because of massive syncytia formation.
Virus replication is measured by means of CA-p24 production and by
scoring the extent of syncytia formation. (C)
Microphotographs of infected SupT1 corresponding to the experiment in
B. (D) Sensitivity of HIV-rtTA 2Δ
tetO to antiretroviral agents. Infected cells were grown
in the presence of dox and either with or without Saquinavir (SQV, 200