Levels of germination proteins in dormant (D) and SD spores isolated using l-valine germination. Dormant PS533 (wild-type) spores were prepared and purified, SD spores were isolated by l-valine germination via the GerA GR, and inner membranes were isolated as described in Materials and Methods. Aliquots of equal amounts of inner membrane proteins from the dormant and SD spores were then used for Western blot analysis using different antisera, as described in Materials and Methods. Values above the lanes refer to the amounts of inner membrane protein run in the lanes, with 1× being the protein from approximately 1 mg (dry weight) of spores. In this experiment, the same blot was stripped and reprobed for GerAA, GerAC, GerBC, GerKA, and SpoVAD, while the GerD strip was from a separate blot.