Fig 7.
T. pallidum-infected rabbits, but not humans, mount an antibody response against TprC. (A) Reactivities of normal rabbit serum (NRS), immune rabbit serum (IRS; representative of 3 different animals), normal human serum (NHS), and pooled human secondary syphilitic sera (HSS) against folded, unboiled TprCFl; 326P1-4+; and folded, unboiled 326βb. (B) Immunoblot reactivities of individual patient sera. (C) Immunoblot reactivities of the anti-TprCFl antiserum and IRS used for the opsonophagocytosis assays in Fig. 5 against TprCN and folded, unboiled TprCC. Each immunoblot assay was performed using 100 ng of recombinant protein. Numbers at left are molecular masses in kilodaltons.