Fig 8.
Population-level analysis of C. jejuni swimming speed through semisolid medium. (A) The ΔracR mutant bacteria were sampled from either the outer (O), middle (M), or center (C) locations of the migration front of semisolid motility agar. Elongated bacteria were localized at or near the zone of inoculation at the center of the motility halo and are indicated by white arrows. (B) Migration of wt and ΔracR strains through 0.5% and 0.6% agar. (C) wt and ΔracR strains were coinoculated at a 1:1 ratio (wt + ΔracR) in a 0.4% agar motility plate, and the halo diameter was compared to that of either strain inoculated alone. (D) Bacteria from the migration front of a wt- and ΔracR-coinoculated culture were harvested and spot plated onto solid medium with a serial dilution ranging from 100 to 10−5 (denoted by the vertical wedge) on MH medium or MH medium supplemented with kanamycin. In all cases, a representative image is shown.