The mmp1081-mmp1082-mmp1083 operon. (A) Representation of the gene region surrounding mmp1081, mmp1082, and mmp1083, which was targeted for RT-PCR to examine possible cotranscription. The black lines below the genes represent regions between genes that were targeted for amplification. (B) RT-PCR experiment indicating cotranscription of mmp1081, mmp1082, and mmp1083. Each primer set was run using a standard PCR and genomic Mm900 DNA (DNA) for amplicon size confirmation. An RT-PCR (RT) was run using the same primers and purified Mm900 mRNA to establish cotranscription of genes. DNA bands in the RT lanes are indicative of genes that are cotranscribed. Additionally, a standard PCR was run using the purified mRNA as a template as a control against genomic DNA contamination of the RNA (RNA).