Diagram of Nav1.2 and amino acid sequence alignments of
Na+ channel α-subunit family members. (A)
Locations of missense mutations identified in this study on
Nav1.2. Filled square indicates
the mutation proposed to be responsible for the disease phenotype. The
amino acid exchanges indicated by open circles are ones assumed to be
benign variants. (B–D) Partial amino
acid sequences of Nav1.2 and other α-subunit family
members (GenBank accession nos.: M94055, M22253, Y00766, M81758,
M77235, AB027567, X82835, AF117907, AF188679, D37977, L19979, M22252,
and M32078). Dark shaded background indicates identical amino acids,
light shaded background indicates conserved amino acids, and white
background depicts nonconserved amino acids. Arrows above the sequences
indicate the positions of the missense mutations, R19K
(B), R187W (C), and R524Q
(D). Arg187 is highly conserved among the α-subunits
of voltage-gated Na+ channels (C).