Fig. 1.
Antibody responses in humans after LC16m8 vaccination. Antibody end-point titres against (a) IMV and (b) EEV proteins were detected pre-vaccination (0) and 1 and 5 months post-vaccination for primary vaccinees (filled circles) and revaccinees (open circles) by ELISA as described in Pütz et al. (2006). IgG end-point titres were defined as the reciprocal serum dilution giving twice the average optical density obtained from BSA. A control serum from an individual vaccinated multiple times was used to normalize end-point titres between plates and assays (titres: B5, 1 : 809; A56, 1 : 1213; A27, 1 : 563; H3, 1 : 394; VACV, 1 : 5785). Median values of whole population (black bars), cut-off titres for seropositivity (dashed line) and significant differences between groups, as determined by Mann–Whitney test (*P<0.05, **P<0.005, ***P<0.0001) are shown.