The probability of doctor contact given the parent-rated illness severity. The probabilities are shown unadjusted (dashed line) and adjusted for the presence of selected symptoms (greyscale lines). The greater the difference between the unadjusted and the adjusted probabilities, the more important the symptom in the relationship between doctor contact and parent-rated illness severity. Symptoms that cause the greatest adjustment for parent-rated illness severity XXX are shaded darkest.
Note: Reading example: when the parents rate their infant as ill with a severity of XX, the probability of contact with the doctor is 42.9%, i.e. the level of the dashed line for severity XX. The line corresponding to affected breathing has a level of 38.1% at severity XX. Hence, when the infant has trouble breathing and the parents rate the child as ill XX, we can calculate that (42.9–38.1)/42.9 × 100% = 11.2% of doctor contact can be attributed to the presence of the symptom, and 38.1/42.9 × 100% = 88.8% to the illness severity rating.