Figure 1. Procedure to identify discriminative voxels by the sparse representation method and t-test filter.
The sparse representation method and a t-test were applied to the original GM volume map. There are 2 steps in the sparse representation method: first, filtering of the original data by a t-test, where 20,000 voxels were retained; second, the sparse representation algorithm was performed on these voxels. Next, according to the age-related classification accuracy, we fix the number of remaining voxels as discriminative patterns of aging. As a comparison, the t-test selects the same amount of voxels as aging patterns for classification. The voxel selection and SVM training were both performed using a ten-fold cross validation on the first group of MRI images. The first 1,000 voxels of the intersection of rearranged voxels in the ten folds were defined as the final spatial patterns of aging. The final spatial patterns of aging according to sparse representation and the t-test were then applied on the second group of MRI images and tested by the LOOCV.