A) Systolic blood pressure measured by tail cuff. B) Serum aldosterone determined by radioimmunoassay. C) Proteinuria determined by urine protein to creatinine ratio. D) N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (β-NAG) determined by colorimetric assay. Values presented as mean ± standard error. *, p<0.05 when Ren2 controls (Ren2-C) are compared to age-matched Sprague-Dawley controls (SD-C); †, p<0.05 when Ren2 rats treated with either aliskiren (Ren2-A), valsartan (Ren2-V), or combination (Ren2-A+V) are compared to age-matched Ren2-C; ‡, p<0.1 when Ren2-V are compared to Ren2-C; and §, p<0.05 when combination treated Ren2 rats are compared to all other groups.