Figure 4.
Quantification of the cellular uptake of TPP-PEG-L and PL modified with different mole % of TPP-PEG-PE or PEG-PE by HeLa cells by FACS analysis. HeLa cells were treated with Rh-PE-labeled TPP-PEG-L and PL for 1 h at 37 °C. A. The geometric mean of fluorescence from three separate experiments was obtained by performing statistical analysis using Cell Quest Pro software. Geometric means of the fluorescence obtained from three separate experiments were plotted. The data represents mean ± SD, n=3. (p<0.001, analyzed by the Student's t-test). B and C, histogram plots show the relative uptake levels of PL and TPP-PEG-L, presented as fluorescence intensity by FACS analysis. The PL and TPP-PEG-L were modified with 5 (B) and 8 (C) mole % of TPP-PEG-PE and PEG-PE, respectively.