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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 May 9.
Published in final edited form as: Am Sociol Rev. 2003 Oct;68(5):707–729.

Table 3.

Tobit Models Predicting Upper-Body Disability: Adults Aged 45 and Older at Baseline, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1971 to 1992

Upper-Body Disability, Wave 2 Upper-Body Disability, Wave 4

Independent Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Early Obesity
    Obese at age 25 .64 (1.23) 1.44 (1.31)
    Obese, Wave 1 1.44 (.74) 2.92** (1.01)
Late Obesity
    Obese, Wave 2 .28 (.64) 1.62 (1.33)
    Obese, Wave 3 2.06 (1.66)
    Obese, Wave 4 .42 (1.16)
Lifetime Body Weight
    Chronic obesity (times) a .33 (.22) .86*** (.22) .72*** (.21)
    Ever-underweight b −.13 (.63) −.39 (.64) −.22 (.64) 2.67** (.96) 2.77** (.96) 2.93** (.97) 2.75** (.95)
Upper-body disability, Wave 2 1.38*** (.21)
Serious illness, Wave 1 .69* (.33) .79* (.32) .72 (.33) 1.40* (.61) 1.42* (.60) 1.30* (.60) 1.39* (.57)
Chronic illness, Wave 1 2.68*** (.43) 2.69*** (.43) 2.69*** (.43) 1.71** (.67) 1.62* (.67) 1.67* (.66) 1.00 (.67)
Change in serious illness from Wave 1 to Wave 2 .67 (.64) .50 (.63) .51 (.63) .24 (.61)
Change in chronic illness from Wave 1 to Wave 2 2.79*** (.78) 2.69*** (.79) 2.76*** (.79) 2.27** (.71)
Ceased regular exercise by Wave 2 −.27 (1.21) −.27 (1.23) −.25 (1.23) −3.28 (2.67) −3.40 (2.68) −3.39 (2.68) .37 (2.89)
Began regular exercise by Wave 2 −6.01*** (1.60) −6.15*** (1.60) −6.01*** (1.61) −2.87 (3.06) −3.21 (2.96) −2.98 (3.04) 2.05 (3.38)
Continued regular exercise, Wave 1 to Wave 2 −9.31*** (1.33) −9.44*** (1.33) −9.35*** (1.34) −6.54** (2.45) −6.56** (2.47) −6.52** (2.48) −.32 (2.75)
Age −.13 (.63) −.15 (.10) −.14 (.10) −.09 (.19) −.07 (.19) −.07 (.20) .07 (.19)
Female 3.71*** (1.12) 3.93*** (1.10) 3.81*** (1.11) 3.63** (1.24) 3.42** (1.24) 3.60** (1.24) 2.96** (1.13)
Black −4.43*** (1.18) −4.47*** (1.20) −4.44*** (1.19) 1.14 (1.26) 1.17 (1.27) 1.06 (1.28) 1.46 (1.31)
Lives alone −.44 (.86) −.44 (.85) −.45 (.85) −1.09 (1.17) −1.16 (1.15) −1.11 (1.16) −.68 (1.06)
Education −.17 (.21) −.20 (.21) −.19 (.21) −.17 (.23) −.18 (.24) −.19 (.24) −.17 (.22)
Income, previous wave c .03 (.19) .04 (.20) .03 (.20) .13 (.24) .10 (.24) .12 (.24) .15 (.22)
Regular physician −.07 (.83) −.01 (.83) −.05 (.83) −.65 (1.38) −.54 (1.37) −.56 (1.38) −.37 (1.39)
Medicaid .60 (1.30) .60 (1.30) .62 (1.30) −2.24 (1.57) −1.83 (1.59) −1.86 (1.53) −1.98 (1.37)
Private insurance .82 (.87) .80 (.87) .80 (.87) −.24 (1.03) −.45 (1.04) −.26 (1.04) −.28 (1.00)
Past smoker .05 (.74) .04 (.75) .04 (.75) 1.69 (.98) 1.50 (.99) 1.60 (.99) 1.51 (.92)
Current smoker .80 (.77) .69 (.78) .75 (.78) .95 (.71) .84 (.71) .92 (.71) 1.05 (.65)
Selection effect for mortality (λ) 10.27** (3.87) 10.39** (3.91) 10.38** (3.91) 10.79* (5.24) 10.36* (5.22) 10.75* (5.25) 10.03* (4.67)
Selection effect for non-response attrition (λ) 5.00 (7.65) 5.92 (7.63) 5.32 (7.70) 5.00 (3.45) 5.14 (3.42) 4.82 (3.46) 2.29 (3.59)
Intercept 6.72 7.68 7.05 −1.70 −2.43 −3.05 −26.62
Number of cases 2,939 2,939 2,939 1,906 1,906 1,906 1,898
F (Degrees of freedom) 12.44 (21, 449) 13.18 (20, 450) 12.80 (20, 450) 7.29 (23, 316) 8.07 (24, 315) 7.72 (22, 317) 7.89 (23, 316)
Sigma 8.00 8.02 8.02 9.63 9.60 9.60 9.09

Note: Model estimates are weighted to U.S. proportions and adjusted for clustering. Unstandardized slopes are presented; except where otherwise noted, numbers in parentheses are standard errors.


Variable range equals 0 to 5 for Wave 2 and equals 0 to 7 for Wave 4.


Five opportunities to be underweight by Wave 2; seven by Wave 4.


Income is lagged in each equation using the income value from the previous wave.


p < .05


p < .01


p < .001 (two-tailed tests)