Figure 2. NuRD complex action and distribution in the ESC genome.
A. Fazzio and colleagues provide evidence suggesting that NuRD complex localizes to specific regions of the genome through direct interaction of MBD3 with 5hmC modified DNA, a mark deposited by TET1.
B. ChIP PCR (Reynolds et al., 2012a) and ChIP-Seq (Reynolds et al., 2012b) depict (yellow shaded areas) broad distribution of NuRD complex across kilobases of DNA surrounding the TSS of pluripotency genes. Note that this model depicts a gap in NuRD complex enrichment over the TSS.
ChIP-Seq (Yildrim et al., 2011) determination of focal localization of NuRD complex in ESCs (yellow shaded areas). Strongest peaks were detected slightly downstream of the TSS, little to no enrichment was noted at enhancers.
ChIP-Seq (Whyte et al., 2012) of NuRD complex in ESCs (yellow shaded areas) in focal areas of enrichment coincident with both enhancers and core promoters. Enrichment at enhancers was noted in peaks larger than those detected near the TSS.