Percentage change (± SEM) in estimated testis volume over the 46-wk
experiment for hamsters that had been treated with Mel- or
beeswax-containing cannulas in the NRE, PVT, or SCN. All Mel-implanted
groups exhibited at least a 30% reduction in ETV after week 6 and
differed significantly from controls from week 4 to week 40
(P ≤ 0.001). Between week 22 and 28, testes of all
Mel-implanted groups had increased in volume well above the minimum
values attained ≈10 wk earlier. At week 40, all brain Mel implants
were removed and replaced with beeswax implants. The arrow at week 40
depicts the onset of the s.c. Mel infusion. At week 46, after 6 wk of
s.c. Mel infusions, all groups had similarly regressed gonads
(P > 0.5).