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. 2012 May 9;7(5):e35039. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035039

Table 1. Ancient samples: sampling locations, units and dates in calendar years based on direct radiocarbon dating of bones (samples in italics) or of associated shell middens.

Sample Site Date (ybp)
BAL4 45CA24B70 300–500
BAL5 45CA24B70 150–250
BAL6 45CA24B70 370–490
BAL12 45CA24B70 300–400
BAL15 45CA24B70 300–500
BAL16 45CA24B70 300–500
BAL17 45CA24B70 150–250
BAL18 45CA24B70 280–370
BAL19 45CA24B70 150–250
BAL20 45CA24B70 150–250
BAL21 45CA24B70 260–380
BAL23 45CA24B70 310–420
BAL24 45CA24B70 430–520
BAL25 45CA24B70 320–420
BAL28 45CA400 2450–2690
BAL37 45CA23 660–880

45CA24B70  =  Ozette site; 45CA400  =  Shell midden deposit; 45CA23  =  Shell midden on Quilleute Indian reservation.