Table 1. Ancient samples: sampling locations, units and dates in calendar years based on direct radiocarbon dating of bones (samples in italics) or of associated shell middens.
Sample | Site | Date (ybp) |
BAL4 | 45CA24B70 | 300–500 |
BAL5 | 45CA24B70 | 150–250 |
BAL6 | 45CA24B70 | 370–490 |
BAL12 | 45CA24B70 | 300–400 |
BAL15 | 45CA24B70 | 300–500 |
BAL16 | 45CA24B70 | 300–500 |
BAL17 | 45CA24B70 | 150–250 |
BAL18 | 45CA24B70 | 280–370 |
BAL19 | 45CA24B70 | 150–250 |
BAL20 | 45CA24B70 | 150–250 |
BAL21 | 45CA24B70 | 260–380 |
BAL23 | 45CA24B70 | 310–420 |
BAL24 | 45CA24B70 | 430–520 |
BAL25 | 45CA24B70 | 320–420 |
BAL28 | 45CA400 | 2450–2690 |
BAL37 | 45CA23 | 660–880 |
45CA24B70 = Ozette site; 45CA400 = Shell midden deposit; 45CA23 = Shell midden on Quilleute Indian reservation.