Table 1.
Data sources and analytic methods for structuration analysis of diabetes self-management
Level of analysis | Data sources | Analytic approach | Output |
External structures | National policy and policy-related documents e.g. public health strategy, NICE guidance, agreements with the food industry Publicly accessible data on local demographics, disease patterns (from local public health reports) and built environment (food outlets, leisure centres) Index of multiple deprivation for locality Field notes on neighbourhoods, homes, workplaces, schools, food outlets |
Thematic analysis of documents in historical context and texts. Findings drawn together by narrative synthesis to identify overall themes and key changes over time. |
'Etic' understanding (from the researchers' perspective) of the wider structural context in which 'self-management' is contemplated and takes place |
Internal structures | Ethnographic observations and naturalistic interviews with participant, including: Participant's explanations of what they were doing and why Participant's drawing of 'my diabetes' Participant's spontaneously disclosed beliefs, values and assumptions |
Phenomenological analysis. Where a series of interviews was obtained from one agent, these were analysed longitudinally for change over time |
Hermeneutic understanding of dispositions, perceptions and understandings of the index case and other relevant actors |
Ethnographic observations and naturalistic interviews with other relevant actors e.g. Parent and teacher (if a child) Partner or carer Friends Adult children |
Actions | Ethnographic observation of participant in activities of daily living at home, work, school Meal in a café Taking exercise (if this occurred) Visiting a health professional (if this occurred) |
Interpretive analysis of actions in context, drawing on theories of symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology | Understanding of why the agent-in-focus acted in particular ways in particular situations |
Outcomes | Study of immediate consequences of action e.g. via direct ethnographic observation |
Interpretive analysis of actions in context | Understanding of the short-term intended and unintended impact of social action |