Reapplication of riluzole. Riluzole was reapplied to both wt and SOD1 neurons previously exposed to the chronic riluzole treatment. For A and B, all responses before reapplication of riluzole are on left; responses during reapplication are on right. Insets on left for A and B show the current input. All traces are from the same neuron. A: voltage response to a current ramp. Note the decrease in firing, higher current threshold, and smaller action potential (AP) height. B: voltage response to a current step. Note the decrease in firing rate and AP failure. Inset on right shows that the height of the initial AP is not altered. C and D: current response to a voltage ramp. C: current trace before riluzole (black, trace 1), after riluzole application (gray, trace 2), and after TTX application (light gray, trace 3). D: NaPIC amplitudes before and after riluzole application: NaPIC (black; from C: trace 1 − trace 3) and +2 Riluzole NaPIC (gray; from C: trace 2 − trace 3).