Figure 8. Commercial and domestic sources of Pab 1801 behave similarly.
A, U2OS p53+/+ and H1299 p53−/− were simultaneously stained with Dpc1a, Rck/p54 and Pab 1801 from a commercial source (left panels) or from domestic preparations of hybridome supernantant (right panels). B, HCT 116 p53+/+ and HCT116 p53−/− were simultaneously stained with Hedls and Pab 1801 from the same two sources. The strong pattern of Pab 1801 puncta was similar for both commercial and domestic sources of the Pab 1801 in p53+/+ and p53−/− cell lines. Bars, whole cells, 10 µm; magnifications, 1 µm.