CMV and PVY, but not PVX, restore ethylene-induction of
endogenous-gene expression in antisense transformants. RNA
blot and immunoblot analyses of leaf tissues harvested as indicated in
Fig. 2 from sibling TAC plants (A) and TAG
(B) plants. Total RNA (10 μg) was hybridized with RNA
probes for detecting sense CHN RNA (A) or sense GLU RNA
(B). Equal loading was confirmed by rehybridization with
a probe for 18S rRNA. Protein extracts representing equal amounts of
the same tissues were immunoblotted by using probes for CHN antigens
and GLU antigens indicated in Fig. 2. Purified GLU I protein was used
as size marker (B, GLU I). Positions of GLU I and the
class II (GLU II) and class III (GLU III) β-1,3-glucanases are
indicated. Note that induction of GLU I antigen is suppressed in mock-
and PVX-infected plants, but not in CMV- and PVY-infected plants.