Fig. 4.
PSCL-derived matrix describing 9-mer binding to Mamu B*052:01. The PSCL was tested for binding, the data analyzed, and primary and secondary anchor positions defined, as described in the “Materials and methods”. Values shown represent the average relative binding (ARB) of the corresponding library relative to other pools with the same fixed position. Values have been normalized to the optimal residue at the corresponding position. SD indicates the standard deviation between the ARB of pools at the same position. SF is the specificity factor, calculated as described in the “Materials and methods” representing the ratio of the average binding of the entire library to the average of pools at the indicated position. At the primary anchor positions (SF > 2.4; blue shading), the most preferred residues, associated with an ARB > 0.1 are highlighted by bold yellow font. Green shading highlights secondary anchor positions. The library average binding for Mamu-B*052:01 was 1,422 nM