Binding of FliM peptide to CheY mutants. CheY87TA
(○,●), CheY106YA (□),
CheY109KR (⋄,♦), and wild-type CheY (▵,▴),
were titrated with FliM peptide in the absence (open symbols) or the
presence (closed symbols) of 100 mM PAM. The fraction of CheY bound to
peptide is given by the relative decrease in fluorescence intensity
(ΔI/ΔImax). The
dissociation constants in the absence and presence of PAM are,
respectively (in μM), 260 ± 13 and 25 ± 1 for wild-type
CheY, 181 ± 16 and 40 ± 3 for CheY87TA, 508 ± 39 for
CheY106YA, and 211 ± 9 and 100 ± 3 for CheY109KR.