Figure 1.
PA6 conditioned medium induces dopaminergic neuron differentiation in NTera2 cells (a human embryonal carcinoma stem cell line) and I6 cells (a human embryonic stem cell line). A,B,C: Immunocytochemistry double labeling of TH (red) and TuJ1 (green) positive cells counterstained with DAPI (blue). NTera2 cells differentiated in the presence of PA6 CM (A), NTera2 cell differentiated by MEF co-culture in the presence of PA6 CM (MEF + PA6 CM) (B), and the I6 cell line differentiated by MEF+PA6 CM (C). Scale bar = 100 μm. D,E,F: The percentage of both TH and TuJ1 positive colonies or cells. The percentage of TUJ1 and TH positive colonies in MEF +PA6 CM and PA6 cultures were compared to the percentage of positive colonies in MEF cultures for both the NTera2 and I6 cell line (D). The percentage of TUJ1 and TH positive cells in PA6 CM cultures was compared to MEF CM and Media cultures in the NTera2 cell line (E). The percentage of TUJ1 and TH positive cells in MEF +PA6 CM and PA6 cultures in the I6 cell line were statistically compared to the percentage of positive colonies in MEF cultures (F). G, H: RT-PCR analysis of midbrain dopaminergic and neuronal markers for NTera2 (G) and I6 (H) cells differentiated for 3 weeks in the indicated conditions. Statistical analyses were performed using both ANOVA and Student’s t-test, both tests resulted in similar significance, Student’s t-test is shown (* = p≤0.05, ** = p≤0.01, *** = p≤0.001).