Figure 8. PP1 conformation is invariant.
(A) Overlay of the PP1 structures, illustrated as backbone ribbons (1FMJ, dark blue; 1IT6, cyan; 1JK7, light magenta; 1S70, beige; 2BCD, salmon; 2BDX, orange; 2O8G, slate; 3E7A, grey; 3E7B, lime green; 2EGG teal; 3HVQ, pink; 3N5U, yellow-orange; 3EGH, purple-blue; Gm, violet-purple). The bound metals are represented as spheres and colored magenta. The regions of PP1 that undergo the changes in conformation between the structures are labeled. (B) Stereo view of the overlay in A. (C) Same stereo view as in B except all atoms are shown.