Table 1.
Summary of the results of the 16 first-order autoregressive models used to determine whether each of the eight summary wing kinematic parameters for the downstroke and the upstroke are associated with the state of the alula on each wingbeat (both flipped, both flat, one flipped and one flat). For each wing kinematic parameter, the mean value for both wings was used as the response variable in a first-order autoregressive model controlling for video sequence number. The F-statistics and associated p-values are calculated using sums of squares adjusted for the other terms in the model (i.e. type III sums of squares). The p-values give the probability of observing an F-statistic as large or larger than that which was observed, under the null hypothesis of no association [25]. Because we have quoted 16 separate p-values, using the frequentist approach of treating those that are less than 0.05 as significant would result in an inflated overall risk of type I error. We therefore used a false discovery rate method to control the expected proportion of false positives at the 5% level [27]. Of the 16 parameters, 14 were significantly associated with alula state, after controlling the overall false discovery rate (see text). Significant associations are shown in bold.
wing kinematic parameters | downstroke |
upstroke |
p | F2,25 358 | p | F2,25 358 | |
stroke amplitude | <0.001 | 766 | <0.001 | 530 |
stroke period | <0.001 | 52.5 | <0.001 | 31.0 |
stroke plane | <0.001 | 248 | <0.001 | 244 |
mid-stroke angle of incidence | <0.001 | 365 | 0.667 | 0.40 |
timing of rotation at end of stroke | <0.001 | 318 | 0.050 | 3.01 |
mid-stroke stroke angle | <0.001 | 519 | <0.001 | 544 |
mid-stroke deviation angle | <0.001 | 426 | <0.001 | 227 |
mid-stroke twist distribution | <0.001 | 16.5 | <0.001 | 4.62 |