Figure 5.
Kinetic stabilization through T119M TTR subunit incorporation into TTR tetramers.(A) Urea-mediated tetramer dissociation time courses of the T119M TTR homotetramer, wild type TTR homotetramer, or mixed tetramers produced by co-expression of the two different subunits, the stoichiometry being indicated on the right. (B) Free energy diagram illustrating that the increase in activation energy required for tetramer dissociation is proportional to the number of T119M subunits comprising the tetramer. (C) Ribbon diagram depiction of T119M TTR, where in the 119M side chains shown in CPK representation stabilize the weaker of TTR’s two dimer-dimer interfaces (PDB code: 1BZE). Figure adapted from Hammarstrom et al. 24.