Fig. 6.
ACBP3pro::GUS is inducible by phytohormones and pathogen infection. (A and B) The expression of construct pAT436 in response to ACC, MeJA, and SA treatment. Five-week-old transgenic Arabidopsis were treated with distilled water, 1 mM ACC, 100 μM MeJA, or 1 mM SA for 12 h before GUS staining assay (A) or quantitative fluorometric assays for GUS activity (B). (C and D) The expression of the ACBP3pro::GUS deletion derivatives in response to pathogen infection. Five-week-old Arabidopsis harbouring various ACBP3 5′-deletion constructs were inoculated with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 or 10 mM MgCl2 (control) and then collected 48 h and 72 h after inoculation before quantitative fluorometric assays for GUS activity (C) or GUS staining assay (D). For GUS activity data, average values were obtained from experiments performed with 3–5 independent lines per construct, each line represented by 8–10 individual plants. Bars indicate the standard errors of three replicates. For histochemical GUS staining data, the experiment was repeated three times using 8–10 individual plants of each construct.