Fig. 2.
3-OST isoform expression in various cell lines. RT-PCR detection of isoforms 3-OST-3A (a), 3-OST-3B (b), 3-OST-5 (c), and 3-OST-6 (d) was performed in Vero, RPE, HeLa, and P19N cells. CHO-K1 cells transfected with 3-OST isoforms (-3A, -3B, -5, -6) served as a positive control. The cDNAs were produced from total RNA isolated from cells. Superscript II reverse transcriptase was used for RT-PCR. PCR products were separated by electrophoresis on an agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide. Expected PCR product sizes were 604 bps (3-OST-3A), 442 bps (3-OST-3B), 777 bps (3-OST-5), and 570 bps (3-OST-6). β-actin mRNA (bottom panels) was used as a control with an expected PCR product size of 285 bps.