The putative GTD binding site in the head of myosin 5a. Surface of chicken myosin 5a motor domain and IQ1 in complex with LC1-sa, a CaM-like light chain (PDB # 1W7J) are colored yellow with following exception: pink, SH3 domain (A2-N64); cyan, the SH3-linker (P65-L77); red, loop-136 (G129-D136), green, the converter (S701-A753); orange, lever-arm (G754-R792); marine, the N-lobe of light chain, and magenta, the C-lobe of light chain. The putative GTD binding site is composed of the SH3-linker, loop-136, the converter, the proximal portion of lever-arm (G754-D765), and the C-lobe of CaM.