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. 2012 May 15;6:133. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00133

Table 1.

Results of the full factorial source reconstruction analysis for each of the four time windows investigated.

Time period (ms) Side MNI coordinate region Peak MNI coordinates No. of voxels P FEW-corrected
45–90 Left Temporoparietal junction −44 −58 26 230 0.001
Left Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex −36 44 12 30 0.018
130–190 Left Temporo-occipital junction −42 −54 14 1187 0.000
Right Anterior temporal pole 48 12 −20 1188 0.000
Right Inferior parietal lobe 36 −56 40 542 0.000
Left Middle temporal gyrus −68 −26 −6 1403 0.000
Right Middle temporal gyrus 36 −74 20 339 0.001
Right Middle occipital gyrus 28 −90 −4 137 0.000
Left Middle occipital gyrus −52 −74 0 67 0.004
Left Inferior frontal gyrus −30 24 −4 130 0.001
Right Inferior frontal gyrus 46 18 −10 147 0.009
Right Anterior cingulate 8 32 −10 68 0.000
Left Inferior occipital gyrus −30 −86 −12 93 0.000
Left Precuneus −32 −82 36 189 0.000
200–250 Left Inferior parietal lobe −36 −58 42 73 0.005
250–400 Right Inferior temporal gyrus 64 −16 −24 314 0.000
Left Inferior temporal gyrus −60 −18 −28 351 0.000
Left Superior temporal gyrus −54 −42 18 400 0.000
Right Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 42 54 −12 285 0.002
Left Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex −40 48 10 184 0.003
Left Fusiform gyrus −42 −76 −18 259 0.006
Right Fusiform gyrus 36 −76 −18 248 0.008

Peak MNI coordinates for the interaction contrast between group (meditators vs. controls) and condition (global target vs. local target). Clusters surviving FWE-corrected threshold p < 0.05 (F = 30.2) and cluster size threshold k = 20.

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