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. 2012 Mar 29;9:26. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-9-26

Table 1.

Composition of Run-In Diets1 and Test Meals2

High GI Diet Low GI Diet

Run-In Diet Test Meal Run-In Diet Test Meal
Energy, kcal 2091 833 2106 835

% carbohydrate 56.4 54.2 56.5 54.6

% protein 13.9 15.0 13.9 14.7

% fat 29.7 30.8 29.5 30.7

Fiber, g 9.9 2.4 46.6 35.5

Glycemic Index3 76.6 76.7 42.5 36.5

Glycemic Load 225.7 86.3 126.4 42.1

1Run-in diet values reported as average of intake per day, based on an energy intake of 2100 kcal/d. The energy content of the run-in diet was adjusted on an individual basis to meet the individual's daily energy requirement for weight maintenance, calculated using the Harris-Benedict equation [27] and adjusted with an activity factor of 1.4

2Test meal values represent an energy intake prescription of 2100 kcal/d. The energy content of the test meal was adjusted on an individual basis and provided 40% of the individual's daily energy requirement for weight maintenance. The amounts of foods served in the test meal were adjusted proportionately to maintain the same macronutrient ratios at all energy levels

3Glycemic index values [28] are based on the glucose standard and represent an average weighted by available carbohydrate in each food item constituting the test meal or run-in diet