Fig. 3.
The Y. pestis yfeAB mntH double mutant does not actively transport 54Mn into the cell. Strains were grown at 37 °C in Chelex-100-treated PMH2, and 54MnCl2 was added during early exponential phase to start the Mn uptake assay. For energy-independent binding of 54Mn (closed symbols), CCCP was added 10 min prior to radioisotope addition. Strains used were Pgm+: KIM6+ (Yfe+ MntH+) and KIM6-2122.1+ [Yfe− (ΔyfeAB2031.1) MntH− (ΔmntH2122)]. Results are reported as percentage uptake of 54Mn per 0.4 OD620 unit (cell density). One of two independent experiments with similar results is shown.