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. 2011 Sep;157(Pt 9):2604–2610. doi: 10.1099/mic.0.050658-0

Table 1. Consensus mutations in all HT-sequenced samples.

Gene(s) affected Genome position Mutation Annotation Function(s) of related gene(s)
ylbE_1 547 694 A→G Pseudogene Predicted protein
ylbE_1 547 835 +G Pseudogene Predicted protein
flhD/uspC Δ1 976 527–1 977 302 IS1 deletion Intergenic Subunit of flagella regulator (FlhD2C2)/universal stress protein
rrlD 3 422 257–3 422 259 ATC→CAT Non-coding 23S rRNA
ppiC/yifO 3 957 957 C→T Intergenic Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase C/conserved protein
gltP/yjcO 4 294 291 T→C Intergenic Glutamate and aspartate DAACS transporter/conserved protein
gltP/yjcO Δ4 294 305–4 294 415 Δ111 bp Intergenic Glutamate and aspartate DAACS transporter/conserved protein
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