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. 2008 May;1(2):271–285. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2008.00027.x

Table 3.

Data (top three rows) used to generate estimated proportions of juveniles destined for yearling and subyearling migration (bottom two rows).

River segment number

To Lower Granite Lower Granite to Little Goose Little Goose to Lower Monumental Migrant below Lower Monumental Transported Total
Joint probability of migrating and surviving (mi) 0.473 0.793 0.741
Subyearling survival (S0,i) 0.598 0.856 0.846
Detection probability (di) 0.560 0.629 0.490
Proportion of subyearlings in each category (p0,i) 0.318* 0.0278* 0.0083* 0.0231 0.360 0.737
Proportion of yearlings in each category (p1,i) 0.209 0.0153 0.0076 0.0313 0.263


Migrants below Lower Monumental Dam.

Transported below Bonneville Dam.
