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. 2010 Oct 18;4(2):326–337. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2010.00157.x

Table 1.

Aims and approaches/outcomes for developing evolutionary resilience in populations and landscapes against climate change

Aim Scale where applied Approach/Outcome Comments/Limitations
A. Increase population size and genetic variation generally Population Increased census size Needs to be related to effective size, which depends on life history and environmental variability
Increased effective size Can be enhanced by population connectedness and breeding systems
Maintenance/increase in mtDNA/nuclear DNA variation (neutral) Can be increased by including individuals from different populations (translocation) as well as through population size
B. Maintain adaptive potential in target genes and traits Population Identification and maintenance of genetic variation in candidate genes for adaptation Focus of candidate gene work is on model species, but increasingly being applied to nonmodel systems
Identification/maintenance of variation in key quantitative traits (heritability/evolvability) Potentially could be used to assess selection response potential but still fairly rarely measured
C. Identify species with little adaptive potential = low diversity in key ecological traits Multiple populations of one species Measure and identify traits involved in maintaining distribution with low heritability/evolvability or other constraints limiting directional evolution Requires substantial genetic information on target species unless ecological correlates can be identified
D. Identify and protect evolutionary refugia Multiple populations of multiple species within a landscape Identify hotspots with high levels of mtDNA/nuclear DNA variation (neutral) Depends on the accumulation of data across multiple species
Identify mtDNA/nuclear DNA uniqueness across regions Depends on the accumulation of data across multiple species, could be applied at higher taxonomic levels to preserve evolutionary uniqueness
E. Increase connectedness and gene flow across environmental gradients Multiple populations in a landscape Movement of genes within landscape Involves gene flow rather than just migration of individuals
Allow in situ selection across heterogeneous areas and climatic gradients Needs large populations to ensure effective selection of high fitness genotypes
F. Increase adaptability to future environments by translocation Population Introduction of genetic material from provenances that match likely future climate at a site Genotypes can be matched to likely future environments, but approach still rarely applied outside of deliberate introductions of species