Fig. 1.
(a) Seroconversion following vaccination against TBEV (n = 25) and JEV (n = 28) (left panel), and YFV (n = 26) (right panel; strain 17D and strain Asibi). Proportion of sera (% sera) achieving a neutralizing antibody titre of ≥1 : 10, ≥1 : 20 or ≥1 : 40, or no neutralization (Neg), as determined by PRNT50. (b) Cross-neutralization of LIV (n = 25), WNV (n = 28) and DENV-2 (n = 26) (left, centre and right panels, respectively). Proportion of sera (% sera) achieving a neutralizing antibody titre of ≥1 : 10, ≥1 : 20 and ≥1 : 40, or no neutralization, as determined by PRNT50.