Figure 2.
Stepwise formation of the pre-B cell receptor.
Isolated λ5 protein has an improperly folded structure in
which Cλ5 (◊, blue) has not yet attained an Ig-domain
structure (○) and is associated with the amino terminal
unique portion of λ5, which acts as an intramolecular
chaperone (). The
β7 strand of the amino terminal λ5 portion
is folded in an Ig-domain- like fashion
). The VpreB
protein is folded as an Ig-like domain, missing the
β7-strand with a unique, non-Ig carboxyl terminal portion
, red). The isolated
λ5-protein cannot displace BIP and associate with the
CH1-domain of the μH chain, because neither
λ5 (◊) nor CH1 (□, green) are
properly Ig-domain-folded. Association of VpreB with
λ5 induces an Ig-domain-structure in Cλ5
and displaces the intramolecular chaperone
). VpreB
interacts with VH of the μH chain, Cλ5
displaces BIP and induces an Ig-domain structure in CH1
(○, green), forms a disulfide bridge and thus, the pre-B
cell receptor.