Figure 1. Effect of genotype on circadian period and its variability in male hamsters.
Mean (±SEM) τDD (top) and phase variation (bottom) of the time of activity onset (black bars), offset (hatched bars) or acrophase (white bars) of the first-order regression line used to determine τDD in male hamsters bearing wild type, tau, and duper alleles in various combinations. Posthoc analysis indicated statistically significant differences in τDD of activity onsets at the P<0.05 level: TTDd = TTDD>TTdd>TtDD>ttDD>Ttdd>ttdd (Tukey HSD test; TtDd did not differ from TTdd and TtDD). Statistical differences between genotypes in τDD of activity offset and acrophase showed similar patterns. Note that while strains differ markedly in τDD, phase variation is generally similar between genotypes. For phase rariation of activity onset and offset, only ttdd and TTdd groups differed from each other at the P<0.05 level; for phase variation of acrophase, ttdd>TTDD = TTdd. In all genotypes, phase variation of τDD based on activity offset is greater than phase variation of τDD assessed for onsets or acrophase.