Figure 4. Activation of colonic TRPV1 receptors in vivo increases the amplitude of voltage-gated Na+ channels in bladder sensory neurons.
A, Representative raw traces of total Na+ current recorded at −30 mV in control neurons and after RTX treatment. B, Current-voltage (I-V) relationship of the total Na+ current recorded in bladder DRG after intracolonic RTX application. The peak amplitude of the current was normalized to the cell size and plotted as I/Imax against the voltage. C, Voltage dependence of steady-state activation in bladder neurons from control and RTX groups. D, Voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation of total Na+ current in lumbosacral DRG neurons. E, Time dependence of recovery from inactivation in control and experimental groups. * - p≤0.05 indicates statistical significance when compared to the control group.