Fig. 4.
Immunofluorescence analyses of male and female gametocytes. (a) Detection of HA-Pfnek-1 in asexual parasites (line 2) and gametocytes (lines 3 and 4) transfected with pCAM-HA-Nek-1 using an anti-HA antibody. The top line shows the negative control (staining of wild-type parasites with the anti-HA antibody). Bar, 10 µm. (b) A single microscopic field is presented, showing mutually exclusive staining with both antibodies. DAPI (blue), and anti-mouse–FITC (green) and anti-rat–rhodamine (red) secondary antibodies were used. (c) Tubulin is expressed predominantly in male gametocytes. Co-staining was performed with the α-tubulin antibody and an antibody against Pfg377, a protein expressed predominantly in female gametocytes. (d) Further examples of the sex-specificity of HA-Pfnek-1 expression. (e) Typical images of Giemsa-stained stage V gametocytes, used to determine the sex ratio in Table 1. Bar, 10 µm. ♂, Male; ♀, female.