ID, unique identifier containing genomic location; maxRnazP, the maximal RNAz probability on the forward or reverse strand – values greater than 0.5 were classified as putative ncRNA genes; minAlifoldZ, the lowest (best) Z-score from the RNAalifoldZ predictions on the forward or reverse strand; numSeqs, no. of homologous sequences used in the Rfam seed alignment; aveLen, average length of the sequences in the Rfam seed alignment; GC content, average G+C content for all the sequences in the Rfam seed alignment; GC enrichment, enrichment of G+C nucleotides relative to the genomic background [computed as log2(GC-content/0.3055)]. One homologue was identified in the C. jejuni genome (EMBL ACC:AL111168.1) for each ncRNA candidate.