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. 2011 Oct 28;302(3):H515–H526. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00703.2011

Table 1.

Summary of ubiquitin and SUMO modification of PPARs and the resulting effects on transcription in the presence or absence of ligand

Nuclear Receptor Post-translational Modification Ubiquitin/SUMO Ligase (E3) Identified Modification Type Transcriptional Affect Effect of Ligand Cell type References
PPARα Ubiquitination MDM2 Polyubiquitination MDM2-to-PPARα ratio < 0.5: Activation MDM2-to-PPARα ratio ≥ 1.0: Inhibition Wy14643 is required for MDM2-dependent modulation of PPARα activity Rat hepatoma (30)
Inhibition of PPARα activity by promoting its degradation Wy14643 blocks PPARα polyubiquitination HepG2 (11, 12, 36)
SUMOylation PIASy SUMO-1, K185 Inhibition of PPARα activity by recruiting NCoR corepressor GW-7647 blocks PPARα monoSUMOylation COS-7; human hepatoma (66)
SUMO-2/3, K358 Not determined Not determined NIH3T3; HepG2
SUMO-1, K358 Inhibition of PPARα activity by recruiting GA-binding protein and histone deacetylases WY-14643 enhances PPARα monoSUMOylation NIH3T3; HepG2 (47)
PPARβ (also known as PPARδ) Ubiquitination Not determined Polyubiquitination Inhibition of PPARβ activity by promoting its degradation PPARβ low and high: GW-501516, L-165041, and cPGI2block PPARβ polyubiquitination U2OS; human lung cell lines (28)
PPARβ low: GW501516 does not affect PPARβ polyubiquitination HEK293; mouse fibroblasts (68)
PPARβ high: GW-501516 blocks PPARβ polyubiquitination
PPARγ1/2 Ubiquitination Not determined Polyubiquitination Inhibition of PPARγ1 activity by promoting its degradation Thiazolidinediones enhance PPARγ polyubiquitination Differentiated adipocytes (34)
SUMOylation PIAS1 & PIASxβ SUMOylates SENP2 deSUMOylates SUMO-1, K77/K107 SUMO-1, K365/K395 Inhibition of PPARγ1 activity Inhibition of PPARγ1 activity by recruiting NCoR corepressor Rosiglitazone enhances PPARγ1 SUMOylation Rosiglitazone has no affect on PPARγ1 deSUMOylation (C2C12) HEK293; HepG2; NIH3T3; vascular smooth muscle cells; in vivorat cartiod artery; C2C12 (15, 24, 49, 60, 64, 75, 89)
Rosiglitazone enhances PPARγ1 SUMOylation Mouse macrophage

See main text for definition of abbreviations.