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. 2012 May;21(5):476–480. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2011.3428

Table 2.

Women's Awareness of Heart Disease by Race/Ethnicity Stratified by Age Group

  Age<55 years (n=586) % Age≥55 years (n=764) % p value Age<55 years (n=141) % Age≥55 years (n=112) % p value Age<55 years (n=231) % Age≥55 years (n=93) % p value Age<55 years (n=130) % Age≥55 years (n=80) % p value
Aware heart disease/heart attack is LCOD in women 64b,c,d 66b,c,d 0.51 35a 42a 0.35 38a 39a 0.89 28a 47a 0.01
Very well or well informed about heart disease in women 41*** 58 <0.0001 42*** 55 0.11 29*,*** 55 0.001 34 48 0.11
Doctor discussed heart disease 40 61**,*** <0.0001 43 74c,d,* <0.0001 38 45b,* 0.39 41 48b 0.46
What signs do you associate with having a heart attack?
 Chest pain 62 62c 0.63 59 55 0.63 57 43a 0.07 59 64** 0.97
 Fatigue 7 8** 0.90 5 5* 0.66 5 5 0.96 8 18*,**,*** 0.16
 Nausea 17 18 0.55 11 8 0.64 11 12 0.60 14 15 0.58
 Pain that spreads to shoulders/neck/arms 63b,c,d 62*** 0.17 44a 52 0.61 48a 48* 0.69 35a,*** 50 0.16
 Shortness of breath 37 32 0.006 31 37 0.54 29 30 0.88 40 32 0.09
 Tightness of chest 18** 17c 0.25 9* 10 0.70 14 6a 0.16 12 13 0.94
What is the first thing you would do if you thought you/someone you knew was having signs of a heart attack?
 Call 911 70*** 59 <0.0001 64*** 70 0.31 79*,** 61 <0.0001 66*** 54 0.19

n=10 participants missing age data omitted from this analysis.

p values denote differences between age groups within each race/ethnic stratum.

Superscript letters a,b,c and d denote statistically significant differences (p<0.0083 with Bonferroni correction) between race/ethnic group column percentages labeled with the corresponding letter.


p<0.05 for difference compared to white women within the same age group.


p<0.05 for difference compared to black women within the same age group.


p<0.05 for difference compared to Hispanic women within the same age group.

LCOD, leading cause of death.