Figure 8.
Cortex of ErbB4-deficient mice has diminished numbers of INs. (A-D') In situ hybridizations were performed on sagittal sections of P0 ErbB4+/+ (A-D) and ErbB4-/- HER4heart (A'-D') brains with interneuronal markers, Dlx1/2 (A, A'), GAD67 (B, B'), EGFR (C, C') and Reelin (D, D'). Arrows in (D, D') mark rostral (anterior; left) and caudal (posterior; right) positions in the marginal zone (MZ). Compared to WT (A-D), the number of INs is dramatically decreased in the cortex of the ErbB4-deficient mice (A'-D'). 2/3, layer 2/3; 4, layer 4; 5, layer 5; 6, layer 6; C, caudal; HC, hippocampus; R, rostral; STR, striatum. Scale bar: 500 μm.