Figure 2.
Hydrolysis of PSC-RANTES and GRFT by strains of Prevotella bivia and Porphyromonas asaccharolytica. Lanes 1 and 7 high molecular mass protein standards. Lane 12, low molecular mass standard. Lanes 2 and 8, PSC-RANTES and GRTF controls (see text). Lane 3 through 6 bacteria plus PSC-RANTES and lanes 8 to 11 GRTF plus bacteria. Bacteria suspensions were incubated with 15 µl of indicated material as described in the texted. Bacteria used were: P. bivia HSP-1174-1b; lanes 3 and 9; P. bivia 29303 lanes 6 and 13, lanes; P. asaccharolytica CRIS 8A-3-E, lanes 5 and 11; P. asaccharolytica. 11-bE lanes 4 and 9.