Figure 4. Transient reporter-gene expression analysis of SlPPC2 promoter deletions in 8 daa tomato fruit.
Slices from 8 daa fruit («WVa 106» cherry) were transformed by biolistic with a 35S:GUS plasmid co-delivered with SlPPC2 promoter:LUC fusion plasmids (pPPC2pro1-4:LUC construct; sizes in nucleotides from the transcription start indicated; grey box indicates leader intron).The pLUC plasmid (promoterless LUC construct) was used as a negative control. Data were normalized using the 35S:GUS construct as internal standard and are expressed as % of maximum activity (pPPC2pro1:LUC construct). The mean values and SE of 6 to 12 independent transformations are shown.