Table 2. Overview of mutations detected in one of the five pre-replication genes in individuals with Meier–Gorlin syndrome: biallelic mutations in 35 individuals, monoallelic mutations in three individuals.
Gene | Nucleotide alterations | Amino-acid alterations | Hetero-/homozygous | Putative effect | Number of individuals/families | Individual reference number |
ORC1 | c.266T>A | p.Phe89Ser | Homozygous | Missense | 1/1 | 1: P3I |
c.314G>A | p.Arg105Gln | Homozygous | Missense | 1/1 | 1: P5 | |
[c.314G>A]+[c.1482-2A>G] | p.Arg105Gln + intron 9 splice acceptor site | Heterozygous | Missense + splice site | 2/2 | 2: P3, P4I | |
[c.314G>A]+[c.1999_2000delGTinsA] | p.Arg105Gln + p.Val667fsX24 | Heterozygous | Missense + frameshift | 2/1 | 2: P1, P2 | |
[c.314G>A]+[c.1996C>T] | p.Arg105Gln + p.Arg666Trp | Heterozygous | Missense | 1/1 | 3: 1983I | |
[c.314G>A]+[c.2159G>A] | p.Arg105Gln + p.Arg720Gln | Heterozygous | Missense | 1/1 | 1: P4 | |
c.380A>G | p.Glu127Gly | Homozygous | Missense | 2/1 | 1: P1, P2 | |
[c.1721C>T]*** | p.Thr57Met | Monoallelic | Missense | 1/1 | I1 (new individual)II | |
ORC4 | c.521A>G | p.Tyr174Cys | Homozygous | Missense | 4/3 | 2: P6, P7III 3: 1652, 1768, 1769, 1899 |
[c.521A>G]+[c.874_875insAACA] | p.Tyr174Cys + p.Ala292fsX19 | Heterozygous | Missense + frameshift | 2/2 | 2: P5; 3: 1939 | |
[c.521A>G]+CNV del | p.Tyr174Cys + del | Heterozygous | Missense + deletion | 1/1 | 3: 1882 | |
ORC6 | [c.2T>C]+[c.449+5G>A] | p.Met1? + p.? | Heterozygous | Missense + splice site | 4/3 | I2, I3, I4, I5 (new individuals) |
[c.257_258delTT]+[c.695A>C] | p.Phe86X + p.Tyr232Ser | Heterozygous | Nonsense + missense | 3/1 | 2: P8, P9, P10 | |
CDT1 | [c.196G>A] + [c.351G>C] | p.Ala66Thr + p.Gln117His (exon 2 splicing donor site) | Heterozygous | Missense + splice site | 1/1 | 2: P12 |
[c.351G>C]+[c.1385G>A] | p.Gln117His (exon 2 splicing donor site) + p.Arg462Gln | Heterozygous | Splice site + missense | 1/1 | 2: P16 | |
[c832G>T]+[c.1385G>A] | pGlu278X + p.Arg462Gln | Heterozygous | Nonsense + missense | 2/1 | I6, I7 (new individuals) | |
[c.1081C>T]+[c.1357C>T] | p.Gln361X + p.Arg453Trp | Heterozygous | Nonsense + missense | 1/1 | 2: P17 | |
[c.1385G>A]+[c1560C>A] | p.Arg462Gln + p.Tyr520X | Heterozygous | Missense + nonsense | 4/2 | 2: P11, P13, P14, P15 | |
[c.1385G>A]*** | p.Arg462Gln | Monoallelic | Missense | 2/1 | I8, I9III; Bongers et al3 | |
c.1402G>A | p.Glu468Lys | Homozygous | Missense | 1/1 | 3: 1627 | |
CDC6 | c.968C>G | p.Thr323Arg | Homozygous | Missense | 1/1 | 2: P18 |
1I=Bicknell et al.13
2I=Bicknell et al.14
3I=Guernsey et al.15
IIIndividual I1 carries only one mutation in ORC1; Individuals I8 and I9 carry only one mutation in CDT1.
IIIIndividuals P6 and P7 from the article of Bicknell et al14 2011 are the same individuals as 1768 and 1769, respectively, described in the article of Guernsey et al.15