Enrichment of THRA, THRB1, and THRB2 in a region approximately 10 kb surrounding the Tshb TSS. ChIP assays were performed with antibodies specific for THRA, THRB1, THRB2, or IgG (as a negative control). Eluted DNA and input DNA was subjected to qPCR to better quantify differences between the different antibodies. Primer sets were designed to scan a region of approximately 10 kb surrounding the Tshb TSS. Results are expressed relative fold enrichment ± sem compared with background enrichment (details in Materials and Methods). Schematic (A) demonstrating qPCR strategy of THRA (dark bars) and IgG (gray bars) (B) or THRB1 (dark bars) and IgG (gray bars) (C) is shown. D, THRB2 (dark bars) and preimmune serum (gray bars) are shown. On the x-axis is the location of forward primer relative to Tshb TSS. *, P < 0.05 for enrichment compared with other regions of PCR.